Panopto Basics - Logging In and Accessing Zoom Recordings
Panopto is Stan State's streaming platform since 2020, offering secure or public video sharing to all campus members. Also as of 2021, all Zoom Cloud recordings are stored in a folder on Panopto for playback or use. But the first question is, how do I access them?
Inside Canvas:
- Well, most faculty have accounts already through Canvas. Simply login to Canvas, and enable Panopto in the settings. Go into settings, then Navigation. Find Panopto Recordings tab, and drag it above the "Hidden These" Line (see fig1)
- Now you should be able to click on Panopto Recordings and see Panopto nestled inside of Canvas (see pic below). Please be aware that the default folder will be for the Canvas Course you are currently accessing, but you can access others like "my folder" by using the drop down (shown here as " Kevin Gasaway Sandbox"). Also by default, Zoom recordings are archived in Panopto in a Meeting Recordings folder. That means each Canvas course will have its own folder for meeting recordings and another for your personal account under My Folder (all of these are accessible via the aforementioned dropdown)
- However, if you are a student, the faculty controls permissions to their course and you may not have any access (Create or otherwise) inside the Canvas course. The Faculty should have the entire range of options available to them to share with their students, contact OAT for assistance.
Accessing Outside of Canvas
- Or you can find it on your MyCSUSTAN page. Simply click on the Panopto Icon in FACULTY LINKS to go directly to Panopto (fig 2). Students may not have this.
- It also works to simply type the URL or click here: From there, that will take you to the Panopto Login Page. Please make sure that "Canvas Classes and General Use Login" is selected (it should be by default), then sign in using your Warrior ID (f.4)
- If you already didn't have an account (usually somone who has never logged into Canvas), this should now create one for you within 24 hours. You may have to contact OIT if you have trouble, or if you have no access to create or edit. You may need your credentials elevated in order to do either but it will be an easy process to do so (if you do not have a big red button labeled "CREATE" then that is a big sign that you will need OIT to help you with raising your credentials.)
Either way you log in, you now have access to Panopto and your Zoom Cloud recordings. The Default location is under MY FOLDER> MEETING RECORDINGS, but can be changed in the options. Be aware that all Zoom Cloud recordings are also stored here, so if they are deleted off the Zoom cloud they should still be in Panopto, but if they are deleted off Panopto then they will most likely be gone forever.
For creation, editing and sharing features. Students most likely will need special permissions to use any features of Panopto, usually when they are student assistants or employees or working on a special project for Faculty. They or their admins should contact Learning Services for support, but their sponsor will also need to contact OIT to provide permissions and scope. Staff have full capabilities in their "My Folder" and can also be given access to Departmental folders that they may need to access.